This game works for evening-fun with the family - since it's totally child friendly. But it could have been much better!

User Rating: 6 | Wii Party WII
Overall: 6.0/10.
A totally child-friendly family game that lets you use you're Mii-characters in game. It could be much more interesting to play but still works for a family-evening or two.

Graphics: 5.0/10.
The graphics of Wii games is generally pretty basic and kind of boring, this game is no exception. The areas on which you play could be made more interesting but - at least there is a basic theme throughout the whole game. The graphics is OK for the purpose of gaming with the family, but not interesting enough in the long run.

Sound: 7.0/10.
Not much to say here, it's pretty basic and that works fine.

Game play: 4.5/10.
Well, there is some issues with the game, but in general it's still playable and will keep you interested for a while due to the different play modes. As mentioned above, everything is child friendly. The Casino mode is fun. Smiles and laughter will be generated if played with the right people. But there much that could have been better; the AI's turns are sometimes slow, I would like to make my own tournament with mini-games I've decided myself - from scratch, There should be some kind of handicap system so children and adults can play without knowing who will win, there is no good overview of all mini-games, it's hard to understand how to move in certain mini-games. The list can be made long but the two issues that lowers this games score the most is that most mini-games is based on pure luck and that there is no real challenge in any of the content in this game. Still though, it's a "party" game - not mainly for strategic nerds like myself.

Idea: 7.5/10.
The biggest point of this game is that you use you own Mii-character. It's a smart idea, and this feature could be developed much further in the future.

Story N/A.