A budget title with no lasting appeal

User Rating: 3 | Hajimete no Wii (w/Remote) WII
Bundled with a Wii Remote, you could say Wii Play is a really cheap budget game and even though its fun is limited; you can't complain too much. If you look at the game on it's own, it's not much more than a demo, and therefore hard to recommend since you will be bored of it after one day. Most of the games feature a high quantity of Miis, just like the Wii Sports series, which helps give it a bit of charm. The graphical styles vary, most of which look like Wii Sports, but 'Laser Hockey' is like Pong in neon colours, and 'Charge!' is cow riding in a yarn style world, so it's definitely got Nintendo's strange charm in there too. There are 9 games here (Shooting Range, Find Mii, Table Tennis, Pose Mii, Laser Hockey, Billiards, Fishing, Charge!, and Tanks!) but the majority of them will make you want to play them more than a few times. Tanks is probably the one you will come back to since it's the most fun and skilful game but still isn't enough to make the whole game worthwhile.