This family and kid friendly game offers lots of fun for families to play video games together.

User Rating: 8 | Wii Sports WII
When the Wii was released back in 2007 there was one game that actually came with the wii. Most game package ties-in are just bad games that the company is trying to make a quick buck. But for once a tie-in/package game has delivered, all though there isnt many games the fun family gameplay you get out of it is worth it to play. The game is fun, but very watered downed.

The gameplay is quite simple move the wii motion controller on how you would play the actual sport. For bowling you just pretend your bowling for real, not very difficult. Golf is just like it is in real life, except theres a meter you have to fill at a certain point to get a good shot, although this meter feature gets annoying and frustrading the golfing still has some fun. Teh baseball is straight forward swing the controller to hit, and to picth you hold certain buttons on the controller to throw certain picthes and just release and throw, quite simple. And last tennis is probaly the most simple, swing the controller to bat the ball back, it doesnt take Roger Federer to do this. The gameplay is simple and theres even training session modes to help you train your skills. Oh and did i forget the boxing!, yet again pretty straight forward, plug in the nunchuck and just swing like Muhammed Ali, very easy and fun. You can even build up your skill level to pro and even like extreme sports god, boxing gets harder, picthes get faster, and bowling for stikes becomes harder. Its cool and the gameplay is actually good,

All in all this family oriented game is a must for Wii owners who have little kids and a small family.