With all kinds of sports to play wii sports is one game to play with family and friends that you can't miss out on.

User Rating: 8 | Wii Sports WII
This game includes many sports to play. I'm going to do quick individual reviews of each sport plus the fitness and challenge game modes.

First up! Baseball- Baseball is a very fun game to play. It goes up to three innings and you get to pitch and bat. the batting and pitching are just like playing in real life in the sense that you would use the same motions to bat and pitch in real life. The only downside to this game is that to play with another person you need two wii controllers which shouldn't really be a problem.

2nd: Bowling: This is easily and probably one of the funnest modes in the game.You can play with up to 4 people on one wii mote and you bowl up to ten frames just as real bowling. (Ughh I'm going to stop using "real life" now ;).) I've had alot of fun in this mode and this is one of the ones that makes the game great.

3rd: Tennis: Tennis is a fun game due to the fact that it can last up to ages when playing against another player as the ai isn't that good at the early stages of the game. It has the ability for you to play a single match a 3 round match and a 5 round match.

4th: Golf: Golf was not that fun for me. The controller wasn't very responsive and my character was all over the place. I didn't like this as much as the other parts of the game and have only played it once or twice.

5th: Boxing: This is one of the FUNNEST parts of the game. you use the wiimote and nunchuck and get to pummel the crap out of other mii's! I love it and had alot of fun playing that mode and recommend it to anyone looking for the funnest modes in the game.

Challenge modes: There are 3 challenges for each sport and they are all really fun to play. Notable ones are the homerun derby, powerthrows in bowling, and curving the ball in bowling.

Wii fitness mode: This just combines all the challenges and throws 3 of them at you in a random order. You then play through them and then it determines your wii fit age and the youngest being 20 is the best.

My enjoyment: 8 This is a very fun game that comes with your Nintendo wii when you first get it and it surprised me as I thought it would just be some piece of trash. It is very fun and shouldn't be missed out by anyone.