i really like this game. never gets old. and a great way to learn how to use the wii.

User Rating: 9.5 | Wii Sports WII
this game came with my wii when i first got it. and its a great way to get you accustomed to the way the wii works.there are five different sports to play. tennis, bowling, gold, baseball, and boxing. boxing is a really good way to work up a sweat. baseball is good for it too. tennis might be depending on the player. bowling is just relaxing and fun. any of these games are great to play with friends or family any time. whether youre at a party or just looking for some down time. there is a game for everyone. and there is a score sytem that keeps you playing till you reach max level. so thats always fun. anyone with a wii and a love for fun or sports should get this game.enjoy

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