You will have fun for a month or two, but then you will hardly come back to play it.

User Rating: 7 | Wii Sports WII
Everyone who have a Wii have this game. But would you buy it if it hadn't been a pack-in? Read to see my opinions.

The graphics are horrible and don't look any better than a Xbox game. However, it is basicly a tech demo on graphics, so it is rather forgivable.1.5/5

The sound of the game is meerly mediocre, but it fits fine with the games.3/5

The game is a sports compilation, featuring 5 sports: Bowling, Boxing, Baseball, Tennis and Golf. I will list them as my order of favourites:

Bowling: The game is very adictive, and the physics on the ball are very good. The controls are very good too, as you hold down the B button and move the controls back and release the button when you move it forward.5/5

Boxing: The game is great to a work out, and can be quite chalenging, but some times unfairly, because the motions don't respond too well, but you can work with them.3.5/5

Tennis: Now this game is kinda fun but rather boring, but the controls are great. To throw the ball, you move the control upward, and to bat, but hit make a motion to the side. Whiel the controls were very good, the game is very boring.3/5

Baseball: This game is like tennis: fun, but boring. And this one is more shallow. The controls work well, as you have to simulate batting to hit the ball, though controling strenth is rather hard. 2/5

Golf: While the game itself isn't bad, its so shallow and the controls don't work well, as you have to simulate using a golf club, but its very hard to judge strength. 1/5

Overall: 3.5/5

Wii Sports isn't a bad game, is just that the novelty runs out after a few month or earlier. Though, if by some reason you don't have the game, it may be worht at least buying it, as it is almost a tech demo for what the Wii is capable.