There Should Be More

User Rating: 4 | Wii Sports WII
While this game has the idea, it just isn't enough. You only get five sports. Tennis is okay, but the second you move your Wii Remote, the tennis racket swings, and you have to worry about waiting for the tennis racket to get back in place, and this could be difficult if the tennis ball is coming over. Next is baseball. This is a bit better than tennis, but it needs help. There is no sense that you did anything when you swing. Pitching mode is worthless. The next sport is bowling. This is quite possible the best sport in Wii Sports. It's pretty straight forward. Press the "B" button on the Wii Remote and act like your throwing a bowling ball. The direction of the Wii Remote determines where the ball will go. Then we get on to golf. This is probably the worst golf simulator ever. You simply cannot putt. Finally, there's boxing. It's easy at first, but as you gain more experience, the Wii Remote becomes less responsive and the AI becomes more difficult. Long story short, with Wii Sports, there's no competition. Simple to win at first. I would go for a more developed and functional game like Wii Sports Resort.