Wii Sports might be fun, but it lacks any kind of depth to it's sports games.

User Rating: 7 | Wii Sports WII
Wii Sports was one of the launch titles for the Wii, it came bundled with the Wii together. Wii Sports showed us of what the Wii-remote is capable of: It used the motion controls like in real sports games. It's perfect for casual gamers and is definitely a few hours of your time worth, especially if you have friends over.

+ motion controls are great
+ everybody can pick this game up with ease
+ 5 sports games
+ great multiplayer

- all the sports games totally lack depth
- some control-misreads

Wii Sports contains 5 sports games: Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf and Boxing.
The game is presented in a very simplistic way, the menus don't have any interesting look to them but do have their charm. The graphics are even more simplistic though. Animations, work well and the graphics are very sharp, but th game looks just so laughable simplistic.
To be honest though not only the presentation, but the whole game is to simplistic. Now this has a good point as well: It's very casual friendly and everybody of any skill level can pick this game up. However, the sports games are overly simplistic and don't have any depth to them at all.

Let me tell you about the sports games them self at first. Tennis is probably the most fun of the package, it's easy to pick up and in multiplayer it's highly competitive. The motion controls for this sports game works, except a few misreads, really well.
Baseball, although especially simplistic, is for the first few plays also a joy. Though the motion controls can also stumble here and there and they feel a bit loose, they work pretty well most of the time.
Bowling is especially competitive in multiplayer and also fun for the first few times, but in Single Player you play alone without an AI opponent, so this sports game will get old especially fast in single player.
Golf isn't that good, however. The fields are very good designed and the gameplay structure is also good, but the motion controls don't work very well and feel incredibly loose.
Boxing is by far the worst out of the bunch, though. Hits can be satisfying, but the controls don't read your hits at all. Doing precised hits helps just as much as punching like a maniac.

You can play with your own Mii, which is actually great, and the more you win in the sports games the more experience points you get. The more experience points your Mii gets, the better your Mii and the AI opponents get.
Unfortunately that is the only thing that keeps you playing the sports games again and again. At least it tries to keep you coming back, I am pretty sure you are going to stop playing a sports games after a few visits.
Now that doesn't mean Single Player is bad, it's pretty good actually. The sports games can be fun playing alone, because the AI is actually pretty okay. And luckily there are also some fitness and training modes for every sports game to be unlocked, and those are pretty fun as well. But that's it, the game doesn't have anything more to offer, It's good fun at first, but you'll put the game down fastly. I guess you'll get like 1 or 2 good hours out of the Single Player portion of the game.

Now, to be honest, without the multiplayer the game wouldn't have been worth a buy. The multiplayer is clearly the mode where the game shines. The sports games just get suddenly more competitive and fun with friends along, so make sure you have somebody to play with.

At the end, though Wii Sports is to shallow to be a worthy game to buy and play alone, it is worthy a rent at least, and when you've got a family or friends who also like sports games, than this game is probably even worth a buy. But, that isn't important after all, I mean everybody who got the Wii got this game with it, so you get the game if you like it or not. And you probably just tried the game out to see how it is, and I bet it was worth at least a few hours of your life time, especially with some other friends.