Brings back the Warcraft roots

User Rating: 8 | World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor PC

It has been a long time since I was interesting the the story line in World of Warcraft. The LC, CAT, MOP expansions all came to me as "Ok lets grind out the missions, do the raids and instances so I can unsubscribe my wow account". So far I am digging this game because its counter to what WOW has been for some time and that's solo play. For about half a decade now, experienced players pretty much ended up joining guilds and doing raids for loot. The story was a by product, the new game mechanics was always a by product. I stepped away from WOW almost immediately after Mist of Pandera, Played it for about 3 weeks and never picked the game up again. So I have been gone for more than a year. When I booted up the Warlords of Draenor I was pushed into a story and gameplay that felt fresh and fun. I actually was interested in doing the story mission to find out about more story.

So far with 20 hours in I have no signs of those old grind it our feeling from the previous expansion. It really got interesting when I was thrust'ed into the garrison aspect of it. I find myself logging on with only an hour or two to play and asking do I want to continue on with the story missions or work on my Garrison aspects. All in all its a lot of fun so far and I don't see this expansion as a quick out, it has some staying power.