Short and to the point... WoW isn't that amazing. It's not really the holy grail of gaming.

User Rating: 6.7 | World of Warcraft PC
There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. So I won't say it again - however, WoW is a very overrated game. It's hailed as "innovative" and "revolutionary", but the only way in which it is either of these is in how many subscribers it holds. Don't get me wrong - WoW is fun. It's a good game, and it's worth a shot - but it's definitely not worth spending your life away playing. What WoW really does is takes elements from other games, refines them and combines them - the game is really one big mix of other people's ideas - but it works. Sadly though, if you've played a lot of MMORPGs there's nothing new or special here.. there's really nothing outstanding about wow, it's well-made but isn't really unique, clever or inspiring. Some of these elements work very nicely, others not so - the game is really one big race to get the best level and items out there ,and I really don't think that should be the point of a game... but people are hell-bent on it. It's worth playing - just don't get too sucked into it, because then you'll waste your life away. I had some really fun times with this game (some **** ones too), but now it's time to move on to something different. Don't just follow the crowd, think for may be fun, but there're other, more inventive and ultimately better games out there.