Unique, but totally insane. First person brawler full of three things: Freaks, Ouch! and WTF.

User Rating: 8 | Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition X360
Zeno Clash is a first person brawler with gameplay that will be familiar to people who have played Mirrors Edge. Well placed punches and primitive weapons are the entire game here. While it is good, it may not keep you occupied for very long and the whole story of the game has way to many plot holes.

The art style of this game is definitely unique. The environment can only be described as primitive and otherworldly, as can all of the weapons in the game. Shotguns made with a bit of wood and rope with a flaming ball at the end of the barrel and crossbows that shoot miniature skulls all add to the charm of the game. Even the grenades are skulls with a fuse on them.

The game is full of bizarre looking freaks that you get to beat the crap out of. Most of these freaks fall into the insane category while some others fall into the "I have no idea what they are talking about" category. The game really holds back on the story elements to the point where even up until the end of the game, there are things that were not explained and things that you had to let go of and accept that it happened and you will not know why. Even the ending is one huge WTF moment leaving you wondering whether or not you enjoyed the past 5 hours. Yes, the campaign is that short.

The fighting itself is quite good. The gunplay is of a lower quality, but you will probably still enjoy each hit you get off on an enemy. The combat is quite simple but it will hold you for the duration of the short campaign. You may actually find yourself using the same moves over and over again, especially for the bosses, who don't actually change a great deal every time you see them. Once the main campaign is over, you then get to do both tower and pit modes and get a chance to compete on the global leaderboard. Both modes are virtually the same as you spend the whole time smashing freak after freaks face in. Very satisfying to be honest.

Split screen is included, but the frame rate noticeably dips. Not enough to be unbearable, but enough to draw your attention away momentarily.

All in all, a decent game that will give you something to do of an afternoon, although 1200 microsoft points is a rather expensive afternoon. It is enjoyable up to being rated an 8, but a bit more filling out would have been nice.