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A Murdered Teen Footballer Has Been Added To FIFA 21 For Knife Crime Awareness

On the 15th anniversary of his death, Kiyan Prince has been added to Fifa 21 as QPR's number 30.


15 years ago, Kiyan Prince passed away after being stabbed in the chest while trying to break up a fight outside his school in London. The 15-year-old was a promising football player, an academy player at Queen's Park Rangers--and now QPR has officially signed him in an initiative to raise awareness for knife crime, Video Games Chronicle reports.

Prince has been assigned the squad number 30, marking how old he would have been if he was still alive today, and has also been added to FIFA 21's QPR squad. The tribute is the result of a partnership with the Kiyan Prince Foundation, which was established by Prince's family to educate young people about knife crime.

"Through this campaign my hope is that the world finally gets to glimpse Kiyan’s incredible potential fulfilled," said Prince's father and KPF founder Dr Mark Prince. "We get to honour his talent and, hopefully, we can inspire other kids to honour their own talent too."

"Most of these guys, this generation, they play FIFA, they will see Kiyan and if that can change just one of their mindsets then it will be a benefit,” QPR Director of Football Les Ferdinand added.

Kiyan Prince is now included in FIFA 21‘s Kick-Off mode and career mode on PC, while console players will be able to access him from May 19.

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