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Black Dahlia Mystery Unfolds

Take 2's title combines serial murders with weird cult interests; GS News takes a first look.


Take 2 Interactive Software, Inc. is ramping up production on its forthcoming interactive adventure Black Dahlia. The game uses a 360-degree engine to navigate through computer rendered environments that re-create 1940s decor with exhaustive detail.

The plot of the game will attempt to tie together such diverse topics as the first documented serial murders, cult interests of Nazi Party members, and the mysterious Black Dahlia killing. The story will be fleshed out by a semi-celebrity cast of actors, including Dennis Hopper, who is currently in the process of filming.

Some of Take 2's earlier work includes the popular flight simulator Jetfighter III and the controversial adventure title, Ripper, featuring the acting talent of Christopher Walken. Black Dahlia's designers assure us that although the game will be an engaging and frightening experience, it will be without the rude language found in Ripper, language that made more than one of us cock an eyebrow or two.

These screenshots can also be found on Take 2's Black Dahlia web page.

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