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House of Cards Renewed for Season Four

More gaming references in 2016?

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Frank Underwood is coming back.

The Hollywood Reporter says Netflix's acclaimed political drama House of Cards, starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright, has been renewed for a fourth season. The upcoming season is now entering production with a summer 2016 start date pegged for the next run of episodes.

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Every season of House of Cards so far has contained video game references of some kind, though it's unclear if the same will be true for the upcoming fourth season. In the third season, the mobile game Monument Valley and a game-reviewer-turned-author play a major role in the story.

House of Cards, which was adapted from the BBC series of the same name, represented Netflix's first dive into the waters of original programming. The company has since produced a handful of others, including Orange Is the New Black, Bloodline, Bojack Horseman, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, among others.

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