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Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered Releases For PC In August, Miles Morales This Fall

Two Spider-Man adventures swing from consoles to PC later this summer.


During Sony's newest State of Play, the next PlayStation exclusives to swing onto PC was confirmed: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

The State of Play presentation showed a trailer for Spider-Man Remastered--confirming its August 12 release date--while the PlayStation Blog confirmed Miles Morales will also be coming to PC in the fall. Spider-Man Remastered follows Spider-Man as he defends New York City from Electro, Rhino, Mister Negative, and more. The State of Play trailer confirms that the PC version of the game will also include all three downloadable chapters: Silver Lining, Turf Wars, and The City That Never Sleeps.

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Now Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered PC Trailer| Sony State of Play June 2022

Marvel's Spider-Man originally launched on PlayStation 4 in September 2018. The remastered version came packaged with the ultimate edition of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which launched with the PlayStation 5 on November 12, 2020.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was announced during the PlayStation showcase in September 2021, featuring Peter Parker and Miles Morales teaming up to fight crime. Venom, Spider-Man's most famous nemesis, was teased to be part of the sequel in some form.

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