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Megan Fox's Mortal Kombat 1 Performance Isn't Going Over Well

Some fans aren't happy with how she delivered her lines.


NetherRealm Studios' fighting game Mortal Kombat 1 is currently available to those who paid a little extra. Since its release, fans have reacted to various details in-game, including Megan Fox's voice performance as Nitara.

Fans of the franchise were quick to point out how Fox's performance seemed lackluster compared to the rest of the cast. If you look up "Megan Fox Mortal Kombat" on X (formerly Twitter), you'll see numerous tweets of fans voicing their opinion on her performance. One user wrote, "Megan Fox's performance in Mortal Kombat 1... sure is something, ain't it?" Another user seemed more directed, saying, "If I had one criticism of the game though, it'd be Megan Fox. Her performance as Nitara is so bad. Every word that she speaks is flat."

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There's no shortage of posts expressing a similar sentiment. Although Fox has received criticism for her performance in things like cutscenes and fight intros, not all of Nitara's voice lines have been an issue. Cristina Vee Valenzuela, widely known as the voice of Miraculous Ladybug, confirmed on Twitter recently that they had voiced all of Nitara's battle cries.

It's also worth pointing out that this isn't the first time NetherRealm Studios has hired celebrities to voice characters in its games. In 2019, WWE wrestler Ronda Rousey voiced Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat 11, and fans had similar complaints about her performance. In addition to her, the studio also managed to get Jean-Claude Van Damme to voice himself in MK 1 as a skin for Johnny Cage.

For more Mortal Kombat 1 content, check out our story on why fans are displeased with how MK 1 runs on the Switch and our guide detailing how to unlock Havik.

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