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Panasonic's New Label

The first game to be published by Ripcord will be Running With Scissors' Postal.


Postal, the new game from Running With Scissors, finally has a publisher. Actually, it will be the very first title published by Panasonic Interactive Media's new brand, Ripcord. Targeted to hard-core gamers, Ripcord will move away from the family titles Panasonic is known for and go for a new, more action-oriented audience.

According to Mark Shander, the new communications and PR consultant for PIM's entertainment division, PIM's move was made to create brand awareness. Under the Ripcord label, Panasonic can target a desired audience with a specific kind of game.

Shander noted that it was hard to reach hard-core gamers because they expect high quality products. When they don't get that, they're disappointed, and brand names have a difficult time reestablishing themselves. Ripcord, however, "will create games that are competitive and fulfill the entertainment expectation of that particular genre of hard-core gamer," Shander said.

Ripcord will be officially announced later this week, at which time there will be additional details available about other titles in the lineup. In the meantime, Postal is expected late this summer or early fall, with special promotions at that time. Advertised as a violent game, its name has drawn the ire of the US Postal Service. The game is a third-person perspective action title.

It's definitely the type of mature, hard-core game that Ripcord is looking for - Shander told GS News that the game counts blood sticking to walls among its more vivid images. Postal also allows players to kill victims execution-style with the touch of a key; those that don't immediately die and are instead moaning in pain can be shot at close range with a handgun.

Postal will be shown at Panasonic's booth at next month's E3 trade show.

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