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Rabid Entertainment Plants Seed

Violent Seed brings 3-D shooting down to Earth and onto your PlayStation.


Violent Seed is the name of Rabid Entertainment's new PlayStation title. The game is currently pre-alpha, but it looks impressive. With a 3-D overhead perspective, players take the side of an alien race bent on wiping out the population of Earth and using it for their own maniacal purposes. Piloting a futuristic fighter jet, players start out in North America and then destroy everything in sight.

Throughout the game's ten levels, players can pick up a vast number of power-ups to use against Earth's Defense Force. Each weapon has its own level of destruction and graphic beauty, especially the plasma gun and an electrostatic cannon. The game's bosses take up a large amount of screen space with no apparent slowdown. Rabid says that it has developed the game so two players can be onscreen simultaneously - without slowdown.

The game is set in 2093, and players work their way around the world as they progress through the levels. Check out these screenshots and we'll pass along more info as we receive it.

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