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Save $10 Or More On A New PS4 Controller

Because it's hard to get by with just one.


Let's say you just bought a shiny new PlayStation 4 and you want to play a game with a friend at your house. Unless you also bought a second controller, you're going to have to take turns handing your gamepad back and forth. That's because most PS4s only come with a single controller. To protect your dignity and reputation from this kind of social blunder, you'll probably want to buy at least one more controller. And if you do it now at Newegg, you can save a few bucks.

Right now, you can get a brand new DualShock 4 wireless PS4 controller for $45-$49, depending on the color you choose. That's a good deal, considering these controllers normally sell for $60-$65 each.

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The $49 gamepads in question are the official Sony PS4 controllers in Steel Black, Midnight Blue, or Gold colors. To take advantage of the deal, add the controller of your choice to the cart and enter promo code EMCPUEE34 at checkout.

Using the same promo codes, you can also get PS4 controllers in Silver or Jet Black for $45. These two colors normally sell for $60 each. And the deal stacks, so if you want more than one controller, you can add them all to your cart, and you'll still get the deal on each one.

That's it. Now all you need to do is find a friend and engage in some couch co-op or friendly competition.

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