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Wage War, Free of All Costs

TimeSink looks to a new model to support its online game, WarSport.


TimeSink, a new start-up Internet developer, showed GS News an alpha version of its first online-only game, WarSport. And while a company creating an online only game isn't a novel concept, the fact that it will cost nothing - except the time it takes to download the software - to play it, is. TimeSink hopes to appeal to a mainstream Internet audience, which has come to expect free online content.

Initially the company will support WarSport through private financing, but TimeSink plans to rely completely on advertising. Because WarSport will be played in arenas, TimeSink plans to give sponsors the opportunity to post advertising messages within the game in ways similar to those found at real sporting events - like on the scoreboards and as placards throughout the arenas.

WarSport looks like a Warcraft and Command & Conquer hybrid, except that you don't have to build or train units before sending them into battle. Another difference is the objective. Instead of playing until a certain mission is completed - usually that means destroying your opponents –-the player that scores the most points after two ten-minute halves wins. Points will be awarded to players for crossing the midfield line or infiltrating an opponent's home base with their robots. You will have five different types of robots to use and control up to 25 of them in a game. Up to eight players will compete in each game; however, an undisclosed number of spectators will be able to watch the action from the bleachers. In addition to single games, TimeSink also plans to hold tournaments.

A beta version of WarSport will launch on Mplayer's service June 30, with version 1.0 available in December.

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