The GameCube is now 18 years old in North America

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#1 nintendoboy16
Member since 2007 • 41577 Posts

So folks, Nintendo's lunch box is now 18 years old.

Not even going into details of it's history without sounding "System Warsey", but what was your first games for the platform? What were your favorite games on it? And, to retro gamers out there, you still collect for it?

For me, here were my first games: Metroid Prime and Soul Calibur II

Recently got this year were: Battle Stadium D.O.N (Japan import, but bought locally at a convention), Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 (Japan import, bought locally), Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup, Spy Hunter, Jedi Outcast, and Super Monkey Ball 2.

Will edit later for my favorite games list because... yeah, that opinion has changed WAY too much over the years.

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#2 Speeny
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Loved the Gamecube. Used to play Starfox Adventures a lot on that system. Also, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is something I look back on a lot of nostalgia for. (Don't think I got very far though.) Pitfall: The Lost Expedition I first played on the Gamecube. Such an overlooked classic.

Smash Bros. Melee was the first and pretty much only Smash game I've invested time into.

Could talk about a lot more games but I'll stop there. :P

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#3 judaspete
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Wind Waker came with my Gamecube when I bought it, and I got Super Monkey Ball 2 and a second controller. Good start, and it just kept getting better. Love the Cube. Has about 5 of my 10 favorite games of all time. F-Zero GX, Metroid Prime, Soul Calibur 2, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, and Monkey Ball 2.

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Happy Birthday 🎈!

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#5 Megavideogamer
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I still have my Gamecube It is my second favorite Nintendo console after the Super NES

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#6  Edited By hrt_rulz01
Member since 2006 • 22415 Posts

Ahhh the Gamecube 😍😍

Probably the console I still have the fondest memories of... and still own and play regularly.

My favs on it (and are still some of my favs of all time) are Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Animal Crossing, Tony Hawks PS 4, Mario Party 4 etc.

Brings a smile to my face every time I think of it. Good times.

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#7  Edited By deactivated-5e90a3763ea91
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I think Nintendo was at a very creative point in the years starting with the launch of the GBA through the release of the DS and its many clever games. This included the wonderful launch of the Gamecube, which really revitalized Nintendo following a slow burn-out with the N64.

The biggest issue Nintendo began to face that gen is gamers were growing up. Moving into the 2000's, a lot of people who grew up with the NES and SNES and whatnot were becoming teenagers or young adults. It was no longer "cool" to appreciate games that were perceived as being cartoony or unrealistic. And many became highly critical of Nintendo's unusual approach to design and format choices. I can recall many people scoffing at the GCN because of its colors, or its small discs, or the irritatingly low-capacity memory cards.

But the first year or two were great. I remember my parents got me the indigo Gamecube and Luigi's Mansion. Leading up to release I bought Super Smash Bros. Melee, and sometime around then Pikmin came out and I got that as well. 2002 saw even more high-profile releases - Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime.

I remember being one of the first people to buy Animal Crossing, having read about it in Nintendo Power leading up to its release. It was just unlike anything else at the time, and to this day I still tend to think the original had more content than a lot of the later ones. I had bought my copy at a KMart, and it included a bonus memory card that unlocked a few extra goodies right from the start.

Windwaker's launch was great because I got a free bonus copy of Ocarina of Time and Master Quest for pre-ordering it. It was the first time I ever got to play OoT, and it was pretty great. I remember convincing my friend at the time to pre-order, and he did, but after he got the OoT disc he canceled his copy of Windwaker because he "thought it looked stupid." I had the hardest time convincing other people of how great a game Windwaker was when it came out. Everybody constantly criticized it - how Link looked, the cel-shaded art style, and I felt very much like the lone fan of the game at launch.

It left a bitter taste in my mouth when I had supported Nintendo so strongly from the start of the Gamecube's launch, and they essentially screwed me over about a year later. They released a special Gamecube bundle that included Windwaker, as well as Ocarina of Time - and Majora's Mask, ALttP and one or two other Zelda games. (Possibly even Master Quest?) Suddenly all of these people were buying Windwaker and exclaiming about what a great game it was. It's like well yeah, but where were all of you fans at the beginning? It felt cheap, and really made me critical of Nintendo in the following years because they weren't supporting their biggest fans. They were just trying to improve lackluster initial consumer response.

Metroid Prime was perhaps the most impressive offering on the system. It re-envisioned a 2D platformer as an FPS adventure game, perfectly.

I think what kind of killed the Gamecube era for me, along with the Windwaker fiasco, was that they blew their load too early. After Metroid Prime, while a large number of great games now existed for the system, it was slow-going for the next big releases. Mario Party 4 was the last game I bought for the Gamecube when I initially owned it, and was just a lousy, overpriced release. Big third-party games I was looking forward to, such as Evolution and Phantasy Star Online, just kept getting pushed-back and I wondered if they would ever be released. Nintendo did this thing where they kept re-releasing NES games - first they were all included in Animal Crossing, but then they released them on the experimental eReader (which I supported on the GBA), and then later on they just decided to put all of these NES games on GBA cartridges and sell them again.

At the very end of the Gamecube's run I caught back up with a few of the games I missed out on, and indeed there were still some really good games late in the system's life, as few and far in between as they were. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Baten Kaitos (1 and 2)... Odama might be one of the most creative game concepts Nintendo ever embraced, and I am surprised they never followed up with the idea.

The slog that plagued the Gamecube lasted well through the Wii's life cycle, and it faced similar issues with a strong initial year or two, followed by nothingness. It has taken just about until recent years for Nintendo to really recover from that problem on the console front with the Switch.

The DS and 3DS thrived these past several years, but began to show their wear as time went on. At least Nintendo is at the point where all games they make exist on a single system, but it took many years of regression for them to improve their reputation with gamers again. And they still haven't regained all of that respect.

Edit: It occurred to me that Windwaker came out the following year. So it was sometime after that where game releases trickled off.

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#9 Kadin_Kai
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I briefly owned the silver Resident Evil 4 edition. I have no idea what happened to the console, it was during the decade where I did not game much.

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#10 wolfpup7
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@nintendoboy16: that’s crazy it’s that old!

Was amazing hardware for the time. Great price, and a lot of amazing games.

For (then) exclusives, I adore pikmin 1, Luigi’s mansion, Starfox Adventures, the Zelda games, resident evil 1 and 0, and Metroid prime 1. Lots of great 3rd party stuff too, which was basically always better than the ps2 versions, and often more or less on par with Xbox 1.

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#11  Edited By Ultimatium
Member since 2019 • 11 Posts

Well, the gamecube was probably my favorite gaming console. It had an incredible libary of games, one of the best controllers, as well as top notch graphics. If i had to pick a favorite game, it would probably be luigis mansion.

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#12 YearoftheSnake5
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Good god, I'm getting old. I was in 5th grade when I got my purple Gamecube for Christmas. It came with Smash and Luigi's Mansion. I still have it set up in my living room. I just can't retire it.

My favorite games for the system include Metroid Prime, Smash Bros Melee, Luigi's Mansion, and Twilight Princess. Other greats for me include 007: Nightfire, Soul Calibur 2, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, Resident Evil, and Sonic Adventure 2. I have something around 50 games for the Cube. If I had enough space, they'd all be out on the shelf.

It's still my favorite system. These days, I get the best use out of it when there are people around to do couch co-op. Unfortunately, that's pretty rare. Stupid adulting...

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#13 ulfrinn
Member since 2019 • 158 Posts

And it is still the last good console from Nintendo.

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#14 Blazepanzer24
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First game was Pokemon Channel, followed by Pokemon Coliseum and Nascar 2005, chase for the cup. I still buy games for my Gamecube, albeit more accurately I still buy games for my Wii that are Gamecube games.

If I can find a GBA player for a decent price, then maybe I'll buy my second Gamecube but otherwise the Wii does a good job for me on the Gamecube department.

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#15 ulfrinn
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If I am being completely honest about Nintendo consoles. After the N64, I only bought Nintendo consoles for basically three titles. Super Smash Brothers, Mario Kart, and Legend Of Zelda.

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#16 DaVillain  Moderator
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I remember picking up Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader & Luigi's Mansion when Gamecube first arrive in U.S November 18, 2001 and funny enough, I pick it up at Circuit City and my last purchase from doing any business with Circuit City due to issues I had with them after my GameCube purchase. I love the Gamecube and probably the best gaming console despite I also pick up Xbox few days ago.

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#17 deactivated-61302760efd95
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My first games were probably Mario Party 5 and Luigi's Mansion. My favorite would have to be Twilight Princess (though that would probably be a biased answer since it's my favorite game of all time and I own all the versions of it). I still collect for it, preferring CIB original black labels in good condition.

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#18  Edited By robert_sparkes
Member since 2018 • 7286 Posts

The GameCube was a strange system in my household kind of went unloved. When I reflect and look back it had some bangers and was probably more powerful than I gave it credit for.