Have you ever gotten lucky?

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Member since 2006 • 8785 Posts

And by lucky, I mean any and all meanings. Not just the Urban Dictionary kind. Did you win something? Did you narrowly miss dying by not getting on the plane? Did Dirty Harry not shoot you after all?

How did things go?

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#2  Edited By rmpumper
Member since 2016 • 2150 Posts

Won $150 in 2010 when I did not even know I'm participating in something.

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#3  Edited By Litchie
Member since 2003 • 34774 Posts

When I was a kid, I almost fell down a pretty deep crevasse with sharp rocks at the bottom, but my older brother's friend saw it and caught me before I fell. Might've died if he didn't.

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#4 KathaarianCode
Member since 2022 • 3505 Posts

Yeah, many years ago I was with headphones, super distracted, and almost walked into a moving train. I didn't even realised how lucky I was until I got home and then it hit me. I was like a couple of steps away from being obliterated.

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#5 shellcase86
Member since 2012 • 6857 Posts

For sure. Lucky to have met my wife and lucky that she stuck around. Lead to a beautiful family and wonderful life.

More concretely, I tried Uber as a gig for a short time. On my first night, I picked up a comedian (non-famous) who needed a ride from a bar to his hotel. He changed his mind, asked me to cancel the ride, and asked me how much to go to the local comedy club. I said I'd do it for $5. He says I'm too much of a nice guy. I say ok, how about $10? He made some joke, but I took that as a yes. Mind you, the comedy club was only like 10 minutes away.

We get to the club, he says, "Hey, you wanna meet the owner?" He then hands m a $50 bill, takes me inside, introduces me to the owner, the owner buys us drinks (top shelf stuff), they tell me stories. Eventually, after a couple of drinks and about 30 minutes, I say I gotta go. The owner thanks me for bringing the comedian, hands me tickets that are good for whenever.

Fun night.

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#6 with_teeth26
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I had a mountaineering accident 5-6 years ago, where me and a friend got off route. We didn't have ropes, since we thought we didn't need them for the route we were on, but we got off-route into terrain where we really wished we had them.

I was standing on a ledge at the bottom of a gulley with a lethal drop a couple feet behind me while my friend was climbing up above me to try and get back en-route.

My friend dislodged a couple good-size rocks and yelled down to me, only I couldn't see him or the rocks due to the terrain, could only hear them bouncing down until the last moment. One was coming at my head, the other was lower down. I used my hands to deflect the one coming at my head (I was also wearing a helmet), the lower one hit me right on the hip bone.

It left a pretty nasty gash (still have a scar), but if that lower rock hit my leg, it probably would have caused me to lose my balance and fall. A little higher and it probably would have damaged internal organs. Even with the helmet, I suspect the other rock would have messed me up pretty bad if it hit my head or upper body.

definitely the closest i've come to dying and I toned down the level of stupidity in the mountains since then

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#7 mrbojangles25
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I got lucky once. Pretty entertaining story if I may say so😋. Bit of a long read.


So this Indian Casino opened up near me a few years ago. Really nice place, like someone took a Las Vegas casino and transplanted it into the middle of a field.

Now my friend was talking about it and I said casually "Huh, never been to a casino before" and his response was "Oh wow, we have to go".

So we go, and he shows me all the tables and the games. "This is a slot machine, this is roulette" etc. I don't spend too much time, they're all kind of boring. But I like cards and my friend likes blackjack, so we decide to get some chips and head to one of the tables.

Now, here is where it get's interesting: on some of these tables, you can bet on more than your hand. You can bet on the odds of someone getting blackjack, you can bet on someone getting certain cards in their deck, etc. They have this things on the table and you just put some chips on it.

We sit down and this guy next to me, he is a real character. Pretty drunk, has two phones, used them both and said "Oh hey baby" to both women on both phones 🤣 Anyway, he turns to me and says "Hey man, mind if I bet on your hand? If it wins, I'll split it 50:50 with you" so I say "sure, why not" not thinking much of it.

So the dealer throws out the cards on the table and, sure enough, I got lucky. We both did.

$1300 payout. I think it was like 60:1 or something along those lines.

So basically my first time gambling, probably my first hour in a casino, someone else using their own money on their own risk bets on my hand and we end up getting $650 each. We both just sort of look at eachother and then go "WOOOOOOOOOO" and hug. Two perfect strangers. My two friends just sort of look on, with looks of shock and joy.

Anyway, I called it good there--that was a month's rent in winnings for me, I'm not gambling that away--and I say thanks and I take my two friends I'm with out to dinner and then we leave after a few drinks.


Now, I have lived a good life. Never too bad, never too great. I work hard and get appropriately rewarded for it. I never felt fortune was on my side nor against me.

Less tangible luck I've had, but things people might consider lucky:

  • My parents are financially responsible. I've been raised with a solid work ethic, but my parents also saved and invested enough to afford me and my sister certain things like education, transportation, and stuff like that. We aren't rich but we got what we needed and then some.
  • I've always been a big guy and for the past 10 years I've been obese, but my overall health is surprisingly good. Cholesterol is good, no risk of diabetes, blood pressure is good. For someone that is likely one of the fattest people you've ever seen, on paper I'm probably healthier than most (again, weight excepted).
  • I've had people give me support, breaks, advice throughout my life. I've had teachers seen how hard I work but how poorly I do on tests throw me a bone once in a while in the form of extra credit, I've had family friends give me good advice on life choices and finances and stuff, and I've had bosses recognize how hard I work and rewarded me for it instead of taking advantage of me.

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#8 mrbojangles25
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@kathaariancode said:

Yeah, many years ago I was with headphones, super distracted, and almost walked into a moving train. I didn't even realised how lucky I was until I got home and then it hit me. I was like a couple of steps away from being obliterated.

Oh god I hate those moments. That delayed realization.

For me, it's happened a few times. But the one I remember recently is getting onto the highway. I look over my shoulder, make sure it's clear to merge. Anyway this guy was kind of not letting me in, slowing down then speeding up. So I was looking over my shoulder a bit longer than I should have and not looking ahead.

There was a car pulled over and I was over the line for a good chunk of time because of this asshole to my left, and the stopped car in front of me to the right.

So eventually I just slam on my breaks and the guy on my left passes me and I merge onto the freeway. I was completely oblivious however to how close I was to the stopped car on my right. I mean I could have hit it. Worse, there could have been a person inside not wearing their belt or outside working on the front of their car and I could have killed them.

I'm generally a good driver--no accidents, never even a speeding ticket--but about five minutes down the freeway it sort of hit me and my heart rate shot up and I was like "Holy shit _, you're an idiot"

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#9 lamprey263
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I got arrested with pot by the college police at the dorm I was staying in freshman year. I wasn't sure what might happen legally, or with my standing as a student. I know some students on financial aid lose it but I wasn't on any. But I woke up to an article the very next day covered on both the local and the national news, how the university I was at had the highest marijuana arrest records in the nation. It brought a lot of shame to the university for their over-enforcement and they basically just dropped the issue with me after that.

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#10 fenriz275
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Won a one of those small b/w portable tvs people used to have in a raffle once. Just bought the ticket as a favor to a coworker. These days I feel lucky if I have a day where nothing remarkable either good or bad happens.

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#11 Macutchi
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i've had some shit luck recently but towards the end of last year i changed jobs and my old place sent a courier to collect my top spec work macbook.

what they hadnt done is sent me a label for the packaging so the courier wouldnt take it. said it would just get lost back at the depot and he'd tell my old place to rearrange collection. never heard back from them so free mac book, cheers guys

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#12 dracula_16
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I was on a plane with my family and we were flying back home from a vacation. On the flight, we encountered some turbulence, which caused the plane to jerk in different directions. I was thinking that we were going to crash; it was terrifying. A lot of people were weeping and some were throwing up. I'm very glad that we made it.

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#14 Skarwolf
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I was at a party & noticed two girls sitting at a patio table talking to a guy I didn’t like. He got up to get something inside I walked over & told them they didn’t want to be with that guy they wanted to be with me.

They laughed I explained how I was better looking and funny & told them to come with. I took them to the basement and things progressed we had a threesome.

I got lucky.

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#15 pillarrocks
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I entered a contest for a PS3 and a 42 inch HDTV Plasma from Insignia on 1up.com about 2007. The first prize winner didn't respond in time so the I had won the contest the grand prize. I never won anything and received the TV and PS3 in like a few days in a truck that looked like a Sears truck. Don't have the TV as it broke last year and the PS3 gave up eventually 7 years later.

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#16 RatchetClank92
Member since 2020 • 1361 Posts

As sung by the Real McKenzies “my luck is so bad it can only get better than worse”. I’ve had good things come to me through lots of hard work but never really got lucky with anything in my life yet.