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Devs Ending Explained - Episode 8 Plot Breakdown And Theories

In the series finale, Lily arrives at Devs for her final confrontation with Forest and Katie. Mike and Meg break down Episode 8 of Devs on FX on Hulu.

Like all good things, FX's Devs has come to an end. Episode 8 is here and--well, if you were expecting a simple resolution to this story, we're not entirely sure what to tell you. The finale is just as mind-bendingly complex and intense as the rest of the show, and Mike and Meg are here once again to do their best to break it all down.

The truth of Lily's destiny is revealed as she ventures into the heart of the Devs unit for the first time. There, a resigned Forest (Nick Offerman) and a panicking Katie (Alison Pill) finally tip their cards--but even that winds up having more of an impact than any of them could have anticipated as Lily (Sonoya Mizuno) uses this knowledge to do what ought to have been impossible: She makes a choice.

It's a small act of rebellion, but in the scope of the Devs system, it's a revelation--even if it ultimately fails to save both Lily and Forest's lives. Or--well, sort of, at least. The truth of Lily and Forest's untimely demise winds up being far more complex than just simple life and death as Katie activates the real purpose of the Devs system: To create a simulated reality that, in effect, is exactly as real and as true as the reality they've always known, because, as Forest explains, in a deterministic universe, holding even the smallest piece of data can be extrapolated into holding all data.

It's all a lot to wrap your head around, to say nothing of the added layers of theology and existentialism blended into the technological and mathematical jargon or the possible connections to Alex Garland's film, Ex Machina. Rest assured, this is going to be a show worth returning to again and again.

Devs is streaming in its entirety on Hulu.