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The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 2: 18 Easter Eggs & Things You Missed

Here are all the Easter Eggs and Star Wars references you might have missed from "Chapter 10: The Passenger".

The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 2 takes Mando (Pedro Pascal) and The Child aka Baby Yoda on a series of sidequests as they continue trying to take The Child home. The duo make a new frog lady friend and run into some trouble along the way involving some terrifying spiders.

This episode had many references to The Mandalorian Chapter 6 - "The Prisoner". There were also quite a few Easter eggs and Star Wars references hidden in plain sight. Mando visits Mos Eisely Cantina, there's a fun nod to Galaxy's Edge, Dave Filoni appears again as X-Wing pilot Trapper Wolf, and the frog lady is voiced by a well known Star Wars voice actor from The Clone Wars.