The gameplay is classic fifa but with the new additions of 199 countries and new celebrations it is great football fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa X360
The name FIFA rings alot of bells to alot of people including myself so when I heard about this new game for just $40 I couldn't resist.

When I first played the game I started playing the 2010 South Africa World Cup which is great because of the way the tournament progresses and the AI players aren't retards. As you become more confident with the game I would suggest playing on a harder difficulty.

A brand new mode introduced is called Captain your Country in which you select whichever country you wish to play as and then you can either use an existing player, FIFA 10 Virtual Pro or create a new one. The ability to create your player is great as you have many different styles in which you can select to personalise your player in your own unique way. This mode enables you to follow the path of qualifying for the World Cup as well as playing in it as your own player and you recieve awards such as the golden ball, golden boot and the ultimate success, to captain your country to becoming world champions.

The multiplayer modes in the game consist of the online FIFA World Cup in which you select your team and play it out against other people to become champion as well as quick match which is just plain fun but can also be quite competitive. You would want to ensure you have a decent connection because lag in soccer isn't very fun however with the great online multiplayer that it has it will be fun for everyone.

All up this game is a success as it properly entertains as well as well simulates the events of the soccer world. I would reccommend anybody who is a fan of FIFA to certainly buy this game however even if your not this might be the game to change your mind. The AI is fantastic, the game modes are phenominal and in the end 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa is a wonderful game.