Too Simple to Receive Above a Seven Score

User Rating: 7 | Advance Wars 1 + 2: Re-Boot Camp NS

I did not want to review Advance Wars, I only wanted to rate it. But it will not let me do the latter without reviewing it.

The game is too simple to be really great. Quite often you are forced into defeating a map a certain way. There are two ways to defeat a lot of the maps, the pass way and a perfect win. This takes away from player choice. I like maps where you get factories but those are available half or less of the time, so far.

What I like, the game is colourful. I would guess I am 12 maps into the first game. I like how there are quite a few maps. I have only played in handheld mode. Plenty of people have said the game is too expensive for what it offers and I have to agree. Being Nintendo there probably will not be a sale for awhile.

If you have nothing else to play Advance Wars is alright.