This visual novel has surprisingly great story and twist that we couldn't expect less from cing.

User Rating: 8 | Again: FBI Chou-Shinri Sousakan DS
after 3 hours playing this game " this game is bad, unlike other cing games, but later in the game i found this game is unique , engaging , with some flaw.

the game is set at march 2010, and starring jonathan "J" weaver as the main characther and kate as his partner, as a FBI agent. after receiving a letter from infamous serial killer from 19 years known as the "providence" . until now the providence case is remain unsolved. J who has the ability to see the past with cut off "eye of providence" from a dollar bill saidto be the only one capable to solve providence murders. which that ability is significant aspect to the gameplay itself. the crime scene investigation itself are similiar to hotel dusk or a game called " unsolved crime", with first person view and 3d environments, the player should find a difference between past(the upper screen) and present (the touch screen) and recreate the scene, from the past to see " visions " which if you collect all visions each crime scenes the truth are shown to player, and be able to see the killer/victims.
outside the crime scene, we have investigation part that almost similiar with phoenix wright investigation system, minus point and click background system. this part of game is as appealing as the CSI part of the game, but only for some people. in this part we need to go to a certain places to ask witnesses to find information.

as the plot itself, it got more insteresting later in the end, this game plot are linear and will make you think it is very predictable, but there is really surprising, and unpredictable twist in the end because it will not go as you predicted. what i like from this game are the plot is designed to player to accuse some specific character in the middle-end of the game.

the gameplay itself are last about 10-15 hours depending on your investigation progress,

og course this game has some flaw . this game's writing are not as good as hotel dusk or trace memory, and you'll feel some conversations aren't completed, but it enough to deliver the important point of the game and story. the crime scene ivestigation part has some nice 3D environment with nice textures, and some puzzle are insteresting but not challanging enough. the main flaw in this part of the game are clunky control and the frame rate feels very low.

as for the character development is quite good, but not great. and it has some memorable character. and i can find no annoying characters in this game

overrall this game is pretty decent game with some flaw and i'd give 7.8 out of 10 for this game

the good:
-twisty story
-good character development
-enjoyable gameplay
-cool style of graphics, and great 3D environments

the bad:
--bad written
-clunky control
- fps rate problem
-really-really predictable in the middle part of the game, but covers with big ,unpredictable plot twist
-some puzzle and investigation are not challanging