Age of Mythology is a game from Microsoft Studios, where you must lead your blessed by the gods ancient civ to glory.

User Rating: 9 | Age of Mythology PC
Another great concept comes true with Age of Empires. The designers of Age of Empires games returned with another fantastic game.

Here, you will have to defeat your opponents, this time with the powers of the gods and some help from mythic creatures. The concept is a bit unusual, but in fact very good.

Like other strategy games, you will have to build a n ancient empire, and lead it to glory while defeating every enemy in sight. First of all, you may select a major god, to whom your villagers will be praying. Then, to advance to the next age, you will have to select between two major gods, who have their own attributes. Each civilization(Greeks,Egyptians and Norsemen) have three different gods to worship.

You can choose to play defensively or to train a great army and attack your enemies, or just live in peace while expanding your economy.

There is also a very good campaign to play, where you must lead Arkantos of Atlantis to beating his arch-enemy, Gargarensis, helped by his Egyptian and Norse friends in his 40-scenario journey.

The multiplayer is also very good, especially if you consider that you can play in alocal connection, or build your empire online.

Featuring lots of interesting, inventive design decisions, plenty of fun-to-use units, and tons of variety, Age of Mythology is the last real-time strategy game you'll need for a long time. It's a necessary addition to any real-time strategy fan's collection, and the game is accessible enough so that even those without much experience with the genre should be able to pick up and enjoy the game without getting overwhelmed. Novices and die-hard RTS players alike will all note the remarkable amount of care and quality that clearly went into every aspect of Age of Mythology--the sorts of things that have already established Ensemble Studios as one of the leading developers of real-time strategy games and that now reinforce the company's position as a leader and innovator in one of PC gaming's most competitive and most popular genres.