This game is a worthy sequel to Age of Kings. Well worth whatever you pay for it.

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Mythology PC
Age of Mythology continues the tradition of Age of Kings with it's easy to learn gameplay, diverse civilizations, and ridiculously smart AI. The game is the first Age game not to feature Japan, which is too bad: Asian style dragons and Oni would have been cool units, but they're not missed with all the other goodies the game has. The campaigns are fun; you can play them again and again. This is the only game I have where I'll go back and play the tutorial again and again. Each campaign has cynamatics, which allow you to like the characters more than you would usually in an RTS. There's a deffinate plot in this game. The Myth units are fun to use, and the new rendering of the normal units is also nice. The version I have was the bargain version, which you can buy for about $10. My only complaint is that the Expansion Pack, The Titans, but it's still a good game and a good buy. Now, why can't they make a new game in this series?