This game is probably the best game I've played from Ensemble Studios. Must play.

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Mythology PC
Age of Mythology, similar to the Age of Empires series but far more fun. What's not to like about this game, it was great when it came out and it's even better now.

You can play Age of Mythology over and over again and try the harder difficulty levels, As well as challenging in scenarios this game delivers a fantastic story which makes you want to Finnish the game rather than let it sit in the corner and get dusty.

The graphics aren't half bad either, despite being all the way back in 2002 the graphics are still pretty good and are still nice to look at unlike some of the older games.

The best thing this has over Age of Empires are its myth units, gods and goddesses, without these this game would be another Age of Empires but it isn't. AOM is a fun game which should be played by everybody at some time in their life.