great mythology RTS game.. I like age of kings and age of empires better though...

User Rating: 8 | Age of Mythology PC
This game is pretty old.... I bought it for like 10 bucks in a store and I have to say it was worth it.. sure the online.. not many ppl play that and there are connection problems but the single player is alot of fun.. You take control and the Romans and fight the trojans and other older european countries.. You can get god powers and stuff for advantages and god units... The game is simple RTS... u gather gold, food, and wood and now u have temples to pray to to get god powers... I think the games graphics are definitly showing their age but I have to say for a cheap price its a fun RTS and the age of empires/age of kings series is always strong... If you want a good singleplayer experience definitly try this game out you will have a royal god like time...... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . .