Amazing unit collection, great graphics, good strategy game, alittle on the old side, wish it was a series

User Rating: 9.5 | Age of Mythology PC
This game deserves the same respect as Civillization 4, this is an amazing game. I was addicted for a good while when I first got it. From what I hear from Civillization 5 speculation. This game sadly for ensemble will surpass AOM. For that reason I wish it were a series. But because of the story line it just can't happen, and wouldn't fit. Its really sad that this game hasn't gotten the same respect as most games that it should. GREAT GAME. This game has amazing value, you could probably get this game for $15-20 bucks. Amazing value. Age of Empires is also amazing for those of you who are alittle hooked up on guns. This game has never disapointed me except for the multiplayer.....I always get that stupid "your access code is already in use". One of the stupidest messages I've ever seen. For this reason I've only ever played maybe two multiplayer games. All in all though the single player and lan games are amazing.