very good!!!;p but not as good as AOM

User Rating: 8.5 | Age of Mythology: The Titans PC
I think the aom titans expansion it is not as good as the aom...

the scenario:
Ten years after the fall of Atlantis, the House of Arkantos is again called to action. You play now as Kastor, son of Arkantos, the first game's hero. Arkantos has since transcended his mortal state and he and the god Poseidon move away leaving the Atlanteans to fend for themselves. On the heels of this abandonment, the Titans begin their rise to power. Formerly imprisoned during the Titanomachy, they're starting to break out and the Atlanteans see their salvation in an alliance with these ancient powers. Needless to say, this alliance isn't something that the other civilizations are anxious to support.

This is the basic background for the 12 missions of the single player campaign. And though you'll have the chance to take a commanding role leading the forces of the Norse and Egyptians, most of the time you'll be playing with the game's new Atlantean civilization. The missions retain the same sense of limited aim that was so refreshing in the core game. Rather than tasking you with eliminating all of your enemies, the missions in The Titans come with much less comprehensive goals. You'll need to rescue certain units, destroy particular structures or merely avoid destruction long enough to escape the level entirely.

The Atlanteans differ from the other cultures in a number of interesting ways. To begin with, all Atlantean units, including villagers, have the potential to become heroes. This makes them much more effective when dealing with the myth units of other civilizations and, since they're not limited to a set number of named heroes like the Greeks, you'll now be able to field as many heroes as the Egyptians and Norse did in the previous game.

To protect these hero units, you'll need to fend off attacks from enemy soldiers. Continuing the rock-paper-scissors design of the previous game, heroes kill myth units, myth units kill ordinary soldiers and ordinary soldiers kill heroes. On the myth side of things, the Atlanteans can field self-repairing automatons who are great at taking on enemy forces, flying Caladrians who can heal your units or satyrs who can throw spears at distant enemies. Nearly 12 other myth units round out the Atlantean forces. Human-wise, you'll be able to create the same types of units that comprise the infantry-cavalry-archer dynamic along with a few new siege weapons. I quite like the Fanatics, who are equipped to take down any non-ranged enemies and the equally all-purpose Contarius cavalry.

A handy repeat button lets you queue up a number of units and then lock that production sequence down. When the building completes the last unit in the series, it starts over again at the beginning. This is an awesome feature as it lets you focus on the tactics of battle while ensuring that a sufficient number of reserves are being built up at your base. Resource juggling can become a bit of an issue here but an awareness of your villagers and population cap can help you keep things in line.

Rather than gaining favor through worship, combat or construction like the other civilizations, the Atlanteans only generate favor through ownership of town centers. Since they can construct town centers in earlier ages than the other civilizations, they can get a real jump on favor collection. In terms of other resources, the Atlanteans don't require any special collection building to turn in resources. A new structure, called the economic center, provides all the upgrades that would normally be found at mines, granaries and mills. You can also now hover your mouse over a particular resource to see how many villagers are collecting from it.

new units building titans heroes has been added ....