It'll let you wanting you play it many times over and over again, even if you've already finished it a 100 times!

User Rating: 9 | Age of Mythology PC
For a person who has'nt played any "Age of..." takes it a little time to come in and learn the whole "system". Even if they are very similar, every culture has it own possibilities and technologies, making it a little bit tricky the first time you play it. The norse are the hardest ones tp play, you'll almost everytime feel that its really hard playing the norse against a computerplayer with "Attacker-AI", because the norse need a bit more time to organise themselves and they can't get godfavor (this is really necessary for advancing and other stuff!) without fighting.
The whole campaign is fun, long enough and with an interesting end.
Also the possilbilty to make random singleplayerfights (like in every "Age of") and your own maps increases the replayvalue.

Gameplay: Good, there is a little bit strategy behind organising, but yet not as nerving as in Black & White.

Graphics: Good, it's fun to play with an atlantean army full of heroes, once you've upgraded the game with the titanexpansion. The golden shining, fullarmed cavalery with their golden spears/axes and helmes is a completely great feeling.

Sound: Very good, even if I hated the sound which informs of a attack somewhere.

Tilt: Very good, game. As I already wrote above, it'll let you wanting to play it again and again, it's worth the price!
What I disliked was, that there only were the 3 (4) cultures. It would have been funny to play with other cultures too, as for examples the Chinese, or the Incas.