THIS.... is a Bioware game?

User Rating: 5 | Anthem XONE

the last two years in the gaming industry has been basically, a wet fart... but, this overblown games as a service, pay to win, nonsense in getting out of hand... I guess in a effort to ease the pain of Mass Effect 3's piss poor reception and sales figures, Bioware decided to bless us with... A Destiny clone with with jet packs... Try to hold your excitement... watching this once great company, devolve into a laugh out loud, joke is heartbreaking and hairbrained, I'd Expect this crap from Konami or EA!

How in the HELL did we fall this far Bioware? This is the same team that gave us Start Wars: KOTOR and, the original Mass Effect, Neverwinter Nights and Jade Empire! Now? we get wet farts like, Dragon Age: The Inquisition and Star Wars: TOR... and, anything else that came after Mass Effect... Speaking on Dragon age, that sequel got cancelled... for THIS!

Dammit... I wanted this game to be good! This was meant to be the game that would shut all of the haters up... telling the masses: WE CAN DO BETTER THAN MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA! And, they just gave them more ammo to complain... like what I'm doing now, by writing this review...

So... the game dropped... and, it had so many bugs, I can't tell that this game was beta tested... On Xbox? it refuses to return to the game if, you exit from the main menu... like, the Xbox is self aware and says: hell no... not this again... On PS4? Well.... they commit suicide... Yep, the game system bricks... I will NOT try this on a PC... Not even pondering that chance.... it might explode!

Destiny Killer? more like, The killer of destiny... Namely, the future destiny of Bioware... Addictive gameplay? yes... But, that doesn't last for long... Trust me... Jetpacking to one location attacking an enemy, waiting the damage to tally up, watch the bad guy die, jet pack to the next location and, do it again...

So many all of those lofty promises of, Cooperative play, Big world, a ton of post launch content, regular updates, a hybrid of RPG, Science fiction and gunplay... That's what we wanted... but, What we got is a lack luster, sorry attempt, at trying to be Destiny... and, Destiny isn't that much greater of a game... (except to this one) That game is basically, HALO with jump packs! If the intention was to make the game more mediocre than Destiny then, they did that! Mission Successful, Bethesda. Give yourself a silver star...

My score is harsh? Please... This game barely beat Fallout 76, that I gave a score of 3 to... Not something to be proud of... Bethesda... I mean... do you guys just NOT care anymore? you just want my money? If that's the point your are trying to drive home, then we got it... loud and clear...