The Pure Adrenaline filled action is never seen before in any game, it more than makes up for lack of bigger content.

User Rating: 8.5 | APB (All Points Bulletin) PC
The game always keeps you on the edge of your seat, anything can happen in APB. It definitely is not just another shooter. The real problem why people hated on it so much is because of the system req's and lack of content. I would say at least half the people in the world might not be able to run the game at all or smoothly enough . For some ppl, like me. Who are able to run the game on max without any frame rate probs. This is where the game shines. The explosions, gunfire and massive detail in the game keeps you wanting more, Even when your not in the action yourself. If they were to double the amount of cars, guns, gun mods, and enviroment size. This game would be a 10.0 for me. But untill the lack of content is filled. A few months of gameplay will leave you maxed out at contacts with pretty much all weapons, most vehicles with nothing else to work towards.