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2016's Top Video Game Trailers on YouTube So Far

Battlefield 1 reigns supreme on YouTube's official game trailer leaderboard for January 1 to May 24.


YouTube releases monthly reports on the video service's most popular games, and now it's released a leaderboard of the most viewed video game trailers from January 1 to May 24. EA's Battlefield 1 tops the Spring 2016 YouTube Game Trailers Leaderboard with nearly 35 million views on its announcement trailer, which you can watch above.

Following Battlefield 1 is Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare with just over 25 million views for its reveal trailer--it also became the most disliked trailer of all time. Gears of War 4, Doom, and Pokemon Sun/Moon round out the top five, while another Call of Duty game, Black Ops III, caps the list off at number 10. Fallout 4 appears twice with trailers for its two expansions, Far Harbor and Automatron.

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Now Playing: Battlefield 1 - Announcement Trailer

Google said in a press release that people watch more than 144 billion minutes of video game videos and livestreams on YouTube every month. The Spring 2016 Leaderboard itself has over 70 million views in total, with nearly two million hours watched.

You can check out the full list for yourself below:

  1. Battlefield 1 Reveal Trailer -- 34.6 million views
  2. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer -- 25.1 million views
  3. Gears of War 4 - Tomorrow Trailer -- 16 million views
  4. Doom - Fight Like Hell Cinematic Trailer -- 8.5 million views
  5. Starter Pokemon for Sun/Moon Revealed -- 8.4 million views
  6. Overwatch Animated Short "Dragons" -- 5.2 million views
  7. MLB The Show 16 - Get Famous Commercial -- 4.7 million views
  8. Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Trailer -- 4.3 million views
  9. Fallout 4 - Automatron Trailer -- 2.9 million views
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Awakening Trailer -- 2.8 million views

Additionally, you can check out YouTube's other game reports through the links below:

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