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4x4 EVO 2 ships

GodGames' off-road racing sequel will soon be available in stores.


Take-Two Interactive has announced that its latest off-road racing game, 4x4 EVO 2, has shipped to stores. The game, which is being published under Take-Two's GodGames label, includes a variety of real-world vehicles and more than 35 outdoor tracks.

Players can get behind the wheel of more than 120 photo-realistic sport utility vehicles and 4x4 vehicles from nine major automobile companies, and they can customize their vehicles with a number of upgrades, including performance shocks, race tires, roll bars, GPS units, working winches, performance exhaust systems, and snorkels. The game features a number of improvements on the previous game, including better artificial intelligence, more realistic car physics and collision detection, multiple camera angles, and an advanced terrain editor. In addition, the game's multiplayer mode supports up to 15 players over the Internet.

4x4 EVO 2 was developed by Terminal Reality, the studio that created the original game, and it will soon be available in stores for an approximate retail price of $39.95. For more information, take a look at our previous coverage of the game.

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