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Aaron's E3 Video Blog: Day 2

Just a few things you'll see in Day 2 of my E3 Video Blog include: Fancy crosswalks, a famous skyscraper, a police officer that may or may not be a Terminator, a few of us getting our show badges, a chocolate chip cookie, and the new and improved front door to ourheadquarters on the pier. But wait...


Just a few things you'll see in Day 2 of my E3 Video Blog include: Fancy crosswalks, a famous skyscraper, a police officer that may or may not be a Terminator, a few of us getting our show badges, a chocolate chip cookie, and the new and improved front door to ourheadquarters on the pier. But wait there's more...

Also included at no extra charge to you are appearances by Matt Rorie, Brad Shoemaker, Jodie Robinson, Alex Navarro, Tor Thorsen, Brendan Sinclair, and Ryan MacDonald!

As you can see, today's blog is all over the place. That's not what I set out to do, but that's pretty much how the day turned out and at least one of you asked for this blog to be longer than the last, so I blame this whole mess on you guys. It was a weird day, but an exciting one nonetheless. I had my doubts that this year's show would live up to previous shows, but all signs point to E3 2007 being a really exciting show--especially if all the rumors I am hearing turn out to be true.

If there's anything you'd like to see in the next blog or a question you want me to ask another GameSpot staffer, leave a comment and I'll do my best to try and make it happen.

*Yeah, I know there's about 2 seconds of footage from yesterday at the beginning. I didn't catch that until the video had rendered, and rather than delay the blog for two more hours I decided to run it. And yes, the fancy wind noise reduction feature on my camera stinks.

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