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All-Pro Football 2K8 covered, scored

2K goes on the offensive with Elway, Sanders, and Rice named as cover stars; DJ Z-Trip to spin soundtrack.


After a three-season hiatus, 2K Sports and Visual Concepts have already made it known they'd be returning to the gridiron in a big way. Taking the Space Cowboys approach, 2K has signed on more than 240 legends of days gone by to pad out All-Pro Football 2K8's roster. With blown knees, torn ligaments, and broken legs mostly a nonissue, the question of who would grace All-Pro 2K8's cover remained up in the air, however.

Getting the old gang back together!
Getting the old gang back together!

Today, 2K Sports pulled three names out of its pool of all-stars. A potent offense seems to be the theme, as John Elway, Jerry Rice, and Barry Sanders will be featured on the game's cover. Of the selection, Erik Whiteford, vice president of marketing for 2K Sports, stated, "John Elway, Barry Sanders, and Jerry Rice are well-recognized for their great competitive spirit, legendary talents, and passion for the game of football."

Also recently surfacing were details on All-Pro 2K8's soundtrack. 2K previously noted an "all-pro producer" would crank out remixes from classic artists, with DJ Z-Trip's mash-up of Rush's "Tom Sawyer" featured on the game's Web site. Recently, the company announced DJ Z-Trip will be bringing more of his brand of mix to All-Pro 2K8. With EA Trax dominating the Madden soundscape, 2K continues its line of innovative soundtracks by bringing the mixtape approach to the gridiron for the first time. In the past, 2K tapped producer Dan the Automator to mix the score for NBA 2K7, while another famed mix master, RJD2, provided the intros and outros to NBA 2K6's soundtrack album.

All-Pro Football 2K8 will be the first time 2K Sports has visited the pigskin after acquiring Visual Concepts from Sega in 2004. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's latest updates.

Tracklist for All-Pro Football 2K8:

1. "All-Pro Intro"
2. "Something Different" featuring Chali 2Na & Keno 1
3. "Sudden Death" featuring DJ Faust
4. "Let the Rhythm Hit 'Em 2007" featuring Rakim & Chevelle
5. "Doin' It Like This" featuring Clutch
6. "Automatic At It" featuring Aceyalone
7. "Go Hard" featuring Gift of Gab & Dub Trio
8. "On My Side" featuring Lateef & Slug
9. "I Don't Need This Trouble" featuring Natural Self
10. "Sure Shot" featuring Casual & Pep Love
11. "Rock, Shock, Break" featuring Backyard Bangers
12. "Locked and Loaded" featuring Deftones & Dead Prez
13. "Tom Sawyer (Z-Trip Remix)" - Rush

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