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Among Us Players Are Roleplaying As Security Guards

They'll protect you...unless they're impostors.


Among Us players are always on the lookout for impostors. Some take the game so seriously that they've started to roleplay as security guards, watching over other players while they finish tasks and use the security cameras.

"You gotta love randoms," said Redditor Supermav27 about a random player who protected him as he monitored the in-game camera feeds. "This dude just guarded the doorway while I watched cameras the whole game."

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Among Us security guards Credit: supermav27
Among Us security guards Credit: supermav27

A lot of players have started to take on security guard duties. They change their in-game name, buy the police officer skin, and then go to work. Sometimes they even ignore their duties when they're an impostor.

"When they were impostor they would still be my security detail," Supermav27 said. "I just wouldn't snitch. But I would be fair in voting if people were sus of him. It was a fun night. Wish you could friend request people."

Online matches are often full of random players, leading to a lot of fun little scenarios like this. We're going to hear about more payers like this as Among Us continues to be incredibly popular. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is playing on Twitch tonight to help get people to vote.

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