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And the results are in...

Community News - People's Choice Awards update


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…and we've won the People's Voice Award for Best Games-Related Website! This is a huge honor for us, and it's all thanks to you, the community! Everyone here at GameSpot would like to express our appreciation for your efforts and support!

We've begun the process of going through the two roll call threads, the news post comments, and the community blog comments to get a list of usernames. This is almost done, and we're expecting to begin handing out emblems and bonus points in the next day or so. If you're interested in how we're progressing with this, please bookmark this page to see updates.

Please understand that this is a mostly manual process, and so it will take some time before we're finished. We'll go as fast as possible though!


- All of the emblems have been handed out! Now it's time to move onto the points, which will take much longer to do. Further updates to come later.

- Everyone who modified their signature has been accounted for. You guys can pull that out of there now. Thanks again!

- We will begin handing out bonus points Friday. In the meantime, if you know you will be receiving them, please backup your signature, as the process of handing them out is known to damage them. You should be receiving a private message to indicate this as well.

- 5/8: We've started handing out points, so users may start to see their signatures break as mentioned above and in the private message you should have received if you will be affected. Please note that this will be a multipass process, so you may have to fix your signature twice.

- 5/11: The process is continuing, and many of you have already had bonus points awarded. Again, this will be a multipass process, so please be aware that you may have to fix your signature twice. Sorry for any inconvenience.

- 5/19: As promised, 3000 bonus points have now been awarded to all users who supported us by adding a mention of the Webby Awards in their forum signature. We are working on handing out the rest of the points to everyone who participated, but it's taking much longer than anticipated. Please be patient: these other 4000 points will be handed out to everyone as soon as possible.

- 5/20: Everyone with a username beginning with the letter A have had their bonus points awarded.

- 6/11: Now that everyone's back from the madness of E3, we're ramping up on handing out bonus points again. Sorry for the delay, but we'll be pushing hard to give everyone their well-deserved points!

- 6/19: I am very pleased to announce that very nearly every single person who supported us for this competition has had their bonus points awarded! I have to wait until Jody gets back to confirm, but we'll catch anyone we missed as soon as she's back. Thanks for your patience!

- 6/26: And we're done! All the points have been awarded out. Thanks again for your patience, and special thanks to Steve Easley who built us a tool to hand these out much faster!

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