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Another Anthem Lead Is Leaving BioWare

"You can expect great things ahead."


Anthem continues to lose its lead voices as another public-facing figure departs BioWare following the live service game's rocky launch.

Chad Robertson, BioWare's head of live service, announced on Twitter that he's leaving the studio after 14 years of service. "Star Wars: The Old Republic, Anthem, the Austin studio, and BioWare are in good hands; you can expect great things ahead," he said. "I'm very excited about the next step of my journey in the game industry and look forward to sharing that soon."

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Robertson is the second Anthem lead to depart BioWare following the game's launch, after lead producer Ben Irving left the studio back in August. Irving took over Anthem's post-launch plans when the original creatives moved on to other projects, with Robertson seemingly replacing him in August--albeit with no change of title. Back in September, Robertson said the studio was ditching the game's "Acts" structure so that BioWare could address some of the "core issues" people were experiencing, opting instead to release future content as seasonal updates.

Robertson has served a variety of roles at BioWare, including Head of Technology and Studio Director at BioWare Austin.

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