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Apple TV App Now On PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, And Xbox One

You can finally watch Apple TV+ through your console.


If your console is a bit more up-to-date than your television, the lack of an Apple TV+ app on Sony and Microsoft's systems might have meant that you're yet to check the service out. As of now, though, this app is available on all current systems from both companies--the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

After making Apple TV available on Xbox systems earlier this week, Apple has now made it available on PlayStation, too. The app is now available as a free download on all systems, and a continued subscription is $5 a month.

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This means that owners of these consoles can now access acclaimed shows like Mythic Quest, Ted Lasso, The Morning Show, and movies like Defending Jacob, Greyhound, and Beastie Boys Story. As a show about game development, Mythic Quest is particularly worthwhile.

Apple TV+ is also the exclusive home of Peanuts, which is important over Christmas.

You'll also be able to access Apple TV+ through Apple One, an all-in-one subscription that includes Apple Music and Apple Arcade, too. Before then, you can try Apple TV+ with a free 7-day trial.

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