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Army Of The Dead To Get A 15 Minute Sneak Peek On May 13

The first 15 minutes of Zack Snyder's new zombie movie will be debuted in a YouTube livestream


Zack Snyder's upcoming zombie heist movie, Army of the Dead, may not be hitting Netflix until May 21, but the first 15 minutes of the film will be available well in advance. Netflix tweeted today that excited fans will be given the opportunity to see the intro during a YouTube event on May 13--though they might have to do more than just settle in to watch, based on the tweet's cryptic wording. Take a look.

"You're going to have to do some digging (literally)" the tweet advises, and then asks fans to retweet for updates. More than likely, access to the livestream event will be made public, given the date and time offered in the tweet, but there's still a chance that there may be some extra caveat or requirement for admittance.

Snyder's Army of the Dead is the story of a post apocalyptic, zombie-filled world where Las Vegas has been rendered uninhabitable. But despite being walled off and infested with zombies, the major casino vaults are still full of cash--making them a risky but ideal target for a band of plucky thieves who want to try for the heist of a lifetime. The first trailer is available to watch now, if the premise alone wasn't enough to sell you.

Army of the Dead is hitting select theaters on May 14 before it becomes available to stream on Netflix on May 21.

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