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Aussie bargains January 13

We dig up the best price for Star Wars: The Old Republic and look at how Harvey Norman Direct Import shapes up against the competition.

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With no firm Aussie release date in sight, Star Wars: The Old Republic is a prime target for Internet shoppers. This latest Star Wars massively multiplayer online game was released in the US in mid-December, with BioWare opting to delay its global release to focus on rolling out servers over time, thus allowing the studio to control the flow of players into the game. Thankfully, though, the usual video game imports sites have you covered, allowing you to get your hands on a copy early (and probably cheaper than what it will be here).

Because this is the first bargains roundup since the Harvey Norman Direct Import announcement, we'll also be comparing the best prices we found online against Harvey Norman's to see how they stack up. As a side note, Harvey Norman's new video game import site doesn't support PC games yet, so we only managed to find comparative prices for console titles. While Harvey Norman Direct Import was more expensive most of the time, there were a few instances when it beat out Play Asia and Oz Game Shop by a few dollars.

Remember, bargain hunting is a communal activity, and there's a thread over on the GameSpot AU forums dedicated to finding cheap games. If you spot a good deal online or at a store, be sure to jump in and tell your fellow GameSpotters. Even if you're new to the forums, pop in and say hi!

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Oz Game Shop price: A$59.95

Battlefield 3 (PS3) - Oz Game Shop price: A$43.99, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$57

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox 360) - Play Asia price: A$54.74, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$61

Batman: Arkham City (PS3) - Oz Game Shop price: A$44.99, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$56

FIFA Soccer 12 (360) - Oz Game Shop price: A$47.99, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$58

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PS3) - Play Asia price: A$53.74, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$59

Rage (PS3) - Oz Game Shop price: A$26.99, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$25

Mario Kart 7 - Oz Game Shop price: A$45.99, Harvey Norman Direct Import price: A$44

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