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Baseball of The Future

Late last week, the good people at 989 Sports stopped by to give us a look at their upcoming baseball title, MLB 2006. I had the opportunity to sit down and take a look at the game, and my impressions of the game were just posted today. I'm not going to profess to being the biggest baseball fan on...


No Caption ProvidedLate last week, the good people at 989 Sports stopped by to give us a look at their upcoming baseball title, MLB 2006. I had the opportunity to sit down and take a look at the game, and my impressions of the game were just posted today. I'm not going to profess to being the biggest baseball fan on earth, but I can still appreciate the fact that 989 came a long way with last year's MLB 2005, which, while not the best baseball game on the market (the title of which went to EA's last game), still was head and shoulders above anything else the developer had produced up to this point on the PlayStation 2. Though my time with 2006 was admittedly brief, I liked what I saw. Check out my impressions and see if you agree.

By the way, does anyone else find it strange that it's MLB 2006? Considering that the MLB season is the only one that doesn't span multiple years? If they're going to name their games with the future in mind, they could at least have the common decency to throw in some robots and dystopian baseball overlords or something...

...OK, maybe not.

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