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Bastion heading to Aussie PCs August 17

Indie action RPG is set to land on a personal computer near you later this month.

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Supergiant Games' colourful action role-playing game Bastion made quite the impression upon its release to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade earlier this year, garnering critical acclaim for its artistic style and diverse gameplay.

Now, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and Supergiant Games have announced that the title will be making its way to PCs, debuting on Steam on August 16 in Australia and on August 17 in the US. The game will become available on other download hubs later in the month.

Bastion hits PCs Down Under on August 16.
Bastion hits PCs Down Under on August 16.

Like its Xbox Live Arcade counterpart, Bastion on the PC will cost US$14.99. When it debuts on Steam, the DRM-free game will leverage the service's Steamworks functionality, support cloud saves, and let gamers track their progress via leaderboards and achievement records.

Bastion gameplay centres around challenges to build a new world after a cataclysmic event, making use of a narration system that responds to players' real-time actions. As the game progresses, players will be rewarded with numerous customisation options. For more on the title, check out GameSpot's review of the XBLA iteration of Bastion.

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