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Batman Arkham Developer Rocksteady Confirms Its New Game Won't Be At E3 2019

Sorry, maybe next E3.


E3 2019, which happens very soon, is expected to feature a lot of big announcements. One of the said big announcements, Watch Dogs Legion, has leaked and been subsequently confirmed. But among the things you can count on not seeing at the big expo is the next game from Batman: Arkham studio Rocksteady Games. Game director and co-founder Sefton Hill wrote on Twitter that the studio "won't be showing at E3 this year."

"We'll be watching as fans but remaining in London, hard at work on our next big project," he said.

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It's become tradition for Hill to release these kinds of statements tempering fans' excitement and expectations for Rocksteady's new game.

In December 2018, Hill confirmed there would be no reveal at The Game Awards, while months prior he responded to fan feedback over Rocksteady's E3 2018 no-show.

Rocksteady is clearly still not ready to show off its new game. There are a number of rumours floating around about what it will be, as well as the idea that it's coming for next-gen hardware, but nothing is confirmed at this stage. Rocksteady created the Batman Arkham series, the latest instalment of which, Arkham Knight, was released in 2015.

Batman: Arkham Origins developer WB Games Montreal, meanwhile, is also working on a new game, but it too is shrouded in mystery.

WB Games Montreal and Rocksteady share a parent company in Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, which is one of the companies attending E3 2019 this month. That being said, nothing yet has suggested any new Batman games will be revealed at the show.

Rocksteady's new game isn't the only title skipping E3. The Last of Us 2 and The Elder Scrolls 6 are among the other titles that are also not going to be at the show.

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