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Battlefield 2042 Will Bring Back The "Nearby Medic" Indicator

Downed players will be able to see how far away a medic is.


As part of its ongoing campaign to support and improve Battlefield 2042 over time, one of the game's lead designers has confirmed that the "nearby medic" indicator will be added to the game.

Currently, when you're downed and requesting a revive, the game doesn't show you how far away a nearby medic might be like previous games did. With no indicator, a player might choose to give up and respawn instead of waiting for a medic when there could be one nearby. Thankfully, the "nearby medic" indicator is coming back, but we still don't know when. In addition to the indicator, there will be a voice/UI indicator for medics to speak to downed players.

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Now Playing: Battlefield 2042 Review-In-Progress

Battlefield 2042 launched with early access and with its 10-hour EA Play trial on November 12. The game's servers struggled with rubber-banding and "persistence data" errors, but the experience is generally smoother now ahead of its official release date on November 19.

The game has a new competitor in the FPS space, as Microsoft just surprise-launched Halo Infinite's multiplayer through a beta.

For more, check out GameSpot's Battlefield 2042 review in progress.

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